Monday, May 28, 2012

ZIA journal prompt #8

I am new to the tangling world but an old hat at doodling!  As I learned more about Zentangle and zentangle inspired art, I started looking for a group to join.  I found a great group of people over at yahoo: Zentangled Inspired Art.  I joined and heard some of them mention Tangles & Stuff: a blog by ptrish40.  So, like any other dutiful newbie, I headed over there!  Great place!  Great ideas in her ZIA journal prompts - just what I was looking for!  This is the first one I tried.  It is from back in February and it is now May, but in the world of doodles, it makes no difference! 

I read the description for prompt #8: "Charactersunite project - I Won't Stand For: __________". The message of this project is that Each of us, whoever we are, wherever we live, can do something to fight intolerance and hate.   I knew in an instance what I would put on my tangle.

I work with adults with developmental disabilities and I hate the R-word.  If you are someone who grew up with this word being an acceptable and funny descriptive word, please use your imagination and come up with something that is not hurtful to others. 

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